What is Single Stream Recycling?
Single stream recycling, where all recyclables are mixed together in one collection bin, is one method of making recycling easier for our customers.
Single stream recyclables include:
- Glass bottles and jars
- Cereal and snack boxes
- Cardboard
- Office paper, newspaper, magazines
- Tin, aluminum, and steel cans
- Plastic bottles
- Rigid plastics

Sixty-six percent of people said they would not recycle at all if it wasn’t easy to do
— Harris Poll Study, 2018
How Does Single Stream Recycling Work?
Single Stream Recycling Sorting Process
What Can I Throw in my Curbside, Single Stream Recycling Bin?
Schedule a Tour
Mazza Recycling believes that it is their ethical and corporate responsibility as a recycling facility to educate local communities on how to recycle, and spread their knowledge to local municipalities. For business and media inquiries, please schedule a tour with one of our trained Recycling Tour Facilitators by filling out the below information. If you are interested in booking a trip for your community group, nonprofit organization, or school, then please fill out the form on our Greener Tomorrow page.
Single Stream Recycling Facility
Mazza Recycling Invests in Single Stream Recycling Facility
As Mazza’s pledge to invest 15 million dollars into single stream recycling, this facility serves as their commitment to recover more recyclable material in Monmouth and Atlantic County, New Jersey. The state-of-the-art system is the first system with complete positive sorting on the east coast.
In an effort to eliminate waste and decrease the need for eradicating Earth’s natural resources, Mazza has invested in a sorting facility that uses sizing and optical technology to recycle more materials from the stream, and produce quality products that will have consistent movement in an increasingly restrictive global market. By increasing the rate of recycling paper and cardboard, this plant reduces the need to harvest trees. This system also reduces the need to use up our planet’s remaining natural oil that is used to manufacture new plastic products. By investing in this design, Mazza seeks to not only preserve natural resources, but also to extend the life-cycle of plastics, paper, cardboard, and metal containers in a world undergoing an environmental crisis. In addition to promoting sustainability and creating a circular economy, this capital investment will create jobs in our local community inside of this 70,000 square foot Material Recovery Facility.
This technology allows us to:
- Accommodate all of the residential, single stream recycling needs of Monmouth and Atlantic County
- Recover more recyclable material from the stream
- Reduce Municipal recycling costs
Award Winning Facility:
NJDEP Recycling Award (NJ.gov)
NWRA Announces 2021 Recycling Awards (Waste Today)
2021 New Good Neighbor Award (NJBIA)
In The News:
A Better Sort (Waste Today Magazine)
Mindful MRF Design (Waste Today Magazine)
Changing With The Times (Recycling Today)
Unique Gold and First Bronze in GRC MRF Glass Certification (Waste Advantage)
Can Recycling Be Profitable? (Voice of America)
Coalition Goes After Polypropylene Plastic, Expanding Recycling To 4 Million People (Forbes)
Putting It All Together (Waste Today Magazine)
New MRF Creates Opportunity (Recycling Today)
A Greener Tomorrow (Industry Magazine)
Mazza Recycling Opens Its New Single Stream Facility (Two River Times)
Mazza Constructs Single Stream MRF (Recycling Today)
Mazza’s $15 Million Recycling Facility Open Summer 2020 (Waste360)
Mazza Recycling Invests $15 Million Into Single Stream Recycling (New Jersey Business)
Mazza Recycling Nears Completion of New MRF (Waste Today Magazine)
Mazza Recycling Invests 15 Million into Single Stream Recycling (Waste Dive)